• Luftaufnahme Gewerbeflächen in Neustadt i.H. mit ancora marina
    Commercial spaces
  • Geschäftliches Meeting von mehreren Personen mit Catering
    Business Support
  • Mehrere Surfer mit Kiteboards auf der Ostsee und Rapsfeld im Vordergrund
  • Haupteingang Gewerbezentrum Eutin II mit Gebäudeansicht und Mieterübersicht
    Business Centers

we are developing the region OSTHOLSTEIN. further.

There are not many regions where work and leisure can be combined better than in Ostholstein. To keep the location attractive for locals, potential settlers and tourists on a long-term basis, we are committed to promote economic development and assist with qualified job creation and secure workspaces.

Our services for you
A qualified workforce is the catalyst for economic success in the region. We coordinate the advertising and mediate for qualified jobs and internships – together for Ostholstein with a future!
Commercial Parks
Are you planning to expand your business or do you want to start over in Ostholstein? We can supply fitting and suitable commercial spaces within the district and enable you to experience work and leisure in an outstanding location!
Business centers
At our two business centers in Eutin and Oldenburg i. H. we offer needs-oriented office space, conference rooms, workshops and commercial halls to companies for rent, in different sizes and at favourable conditions. We make room for your ideas!
Luftaufnahme Gewerbeflächen in Neustadt i.H. mit ancora marina
6,401 businesses in Ostholstein in 2023
64,145 employees in Ostholstein in 2023
The Region
Ostholstein already counts to one of the most sustainable and future-oriented districts in Schleswig-Holstein. Characterized by small and medium sized companies and their diversity, it is especially the businesses from trade, healthcare and tourism, which form the economic backbone of the region.
Mehrere Windsurfer surfen mit hoher Geschwindigkeit auf dem Wasser.
Around 19 million overnight stays in Ostholstein in 2023
Approximately 30% of all overnight stays in SH in 2023
The tourism industry in Ostholstein counts to the top economic fields in the region – with potential: More than 100 million Euros have already been invested in tourist infrastructure. Our particular focus is on the further development of the priority areas of cycling tourism and nautical tourism.

Do you need support for your company or business project? 

Please contact us. 

Your contact partner